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中央空调系统,中央新风系统,中央洗尘系统 国际化品牌进驻,精细化尺度把握,以无处不极致的物业设备打造高端舒适办公,是您尊属的全新商务体验。 Central air conditioning system, Central fresh air system, Central dust cleaning system Adopting international brands, keeping meticulous measurement, offering top-quality property equipment, SIDIW builds advanced and comfortable working environment and serves unshared, individual, new business experience.

计算机物业管理平台 通过云计算,对大厦水、电、空调等的科学计量和,在此基础上可以实现顶级物业管理品质,为广大业主提供最人性化的服务。 Computer management platform By Cloud Computing, SIDIW scientifically records the water, electricity, air conditioning consumption in the building and other measurements, on the basis of which can realize the best quality of property management, and provide the most humanized service.

智能安防系统 通过智能安保平台,实现大厦水、电、空调等设备和消防、安保的监测和控制,集舒适性、安全性、节能性于一体,工作环境更优越更安全。 Intelligent security systems Through intelligent security systems, SIDIW can control the water, electricity and air conditioning facilities in the building, monitor and control the security and make the fire protection. Putting the comfort, security and energy saving in one, the working place is more superior and safer.

高速通讯和大数据平台 通过语言、数据的高速通讯接入,使大厦内办公的企业能真正完成与世界各地的快速沟通和信息传输,并实现企业的办公自动化,从而大大提高企业的办公效率和与世界接轨。 High-speed communication and Big Data platform Through high-speed communication of languages and data, the enterprises in the building of SIDIW can actually accomplish high-speed communication and information transmission, realize office automation and improve office efficiency rapidly to be geared to international standards.

汇智,5A级智能化办公 作为智能家居精英企业的总部基地,新丽华智能家居产业平台以国际化顶级办公为标准,通过对OA(办公智能化)、BA(楼宇自动化)、CA(通讯传输智能化)、FA(消防智能化)、SA(安保智能化)于一体的5A智能化系统进行集成,让写字楼充满 “智慧”,真正做到领先一步,商机无限。 Collection of wisdom— 5A Intelligent office system As the headquarter base of Intelligent Home Furnishing enterprises, SIDIW Cloud Platform integrates OA(Office Automatic System), BA(Building Automation), CA(CommunicationAutomation), FA(Fire Automation) and SA(Safe Automatic System ) into a whole— 5A Intelligent office system. It regards the international first-class office as a standard and makes the office building be filled with “wisdom”, leading to be in front and winning enormous Commercial Opportunities.